Friday 28 September 2018

Abel Tasman

 our class used voki and this big video we used coggle witch is a online brain storm and we used each other we could help each other to get ideas. I chose to do Abel Tasman he is a European and was the first to discover New Zealand.

Friday 7 September 2018



My maths goal for term 3 

Multiplication and division facts 6x 7x 8x 9x and also find the fraction of a number (3/5 of 30). At class we have something called the learning pit  I'm going to tell yuosome of my maths strengths, one of them are intuwishion 

Tuesday 14 August 2018

Marry Mackillop day

Last Friday the 10th of August 2018 It was MARRY MACKILLOP DAY!!!! so as soon as the bell rung for school to begin, we lined up for the first thing to the very speacial day and to start we went to our school church and then it was morning tea time witch means play time.
After that we did MMK rotations and we did it in at least 2 hours I made chatter boxes and finger puppets,chalt art and other fun things. after lunch in the After noon  we did Tabliodes it is when you play games on the field as groups and to end the games we did a chant and mill hill won but over all it was really fun!

Monday 6 August 2018

taster session

On the 3rd of August Friday we had a taster session int he second block of school and that's when only the sinor school goes to a different classroom and I choose to go in room 1 and the reason we are doing this is because our term 3 concept is EXPLORATION! and we learn and do new things that we have not done before.

anyway in room 1 did art and we did plastiring art and  we had to put on a art top and garbed a pencile and lightly schetched out our own disighn on a piece of polistiring and then did it harder then once it's finished you can get and choose a paint colour and paint on your peice and grabe a paper and lay it on andpat it on softly the peel off the paper and then you are done with your work and let it dry.

Overall I thought that it was super fun and I did something tat I had never done before and think that you should try it out, It was super fun to do.

Thursday 5 July 2018

wearble arts

Wearable Arts 

 our class have been doing wearable arts and make it out of recyclable things and we could choose a buddy or do it by your self and pick a category and I  chose a partner and we chose under the sea.


While we were building our wearable arts we used 2 black garbage bags paint glitter glue duct tape and scissors  colour spray we used paint to make  our fish and other things on our dress we also made a headband out of Styrofoam and glue and other things.

What is  Adaptation?

Adaptation is changing something to make it better than before
for Example the simple mug Isn't it annoying when the chocolate  gets stuck on the bottom so that's why someone invented the self stir mug witch makes no mess at the bottom.

How is my costume related to Adaptation?

My costume is related to Adaptation because it is  a garbage bag and in the sea there are lots of bags in the sea so you can stop using plastic and use it in a form of a dress.

why is adaptation important now and in the future?

because it can be a recycled piece of clothing in the future and it could stop pollution.

Wednesday 4 July 2018


on the 3-7-2018 Aka yesterday, my class went on a bus trip to the tea house by the Museum we learned all about the Hei tiki and tiki and what some pumanu meant (story behind it and Diid you know that the tiki means a gift  to have haelthy babies and there was a woman called guide Sophia and she had lot's of visions and  was able to save 63 people from the volcanic eruption and she also had 17 children then once we finished we got to make our very own felt Hei tiki adn learned how to sew buttons on our felt and this is how I made mine it was so fun!

Monday 2 July 2018

bike safety

Yay! today id bike safety time Today is the 3rd week of term 2 and we are doing  bike safety and when he got here in our classroom we had to hold our helmets like it was a baby and learn what we needed to  were, to keep us safe during our ride and learned how to look behined us like if we were on the main roads. I think tat it was fun.


Cheese kit recipe
How to make paneer cheese

  1. 1 litre of dark blue milk
  2. 2 TBS of Bottled lemon juice
  3. Slotted spoon
  4. 1 Cheesecloth
  5. Glass bowl
  6. Spoon
  7. Cheese mouled
  8. Plates
  9. Microwave
  10. Weight
  11. Measuring (ML)

  1. pour 1 litre of dark blue milk (2x 500ML) into a glass bowl

2. then heat up on high in the microwave for 4.00 min

3.  pour 2 tablespoons of bottled lemon juice into the heated milk

4. Then grab your spoon,slotted spoon and put your lemon and heated milk into the microwave for 2.00 min
5.while you’re waiting grab your cheesecloth and cheese mouled.

6. When it’s ready from the microwave you get your slotted spoon and get the curds and put it in the cheese mouled with the cheese cloth

7. When all the curds are in the mouled twist the cloth to let any Access liquid out.

8. then you  put some weight then put in the fridge for 10 min

9. Once you  got it out of the fridge you can grab some crackers and cut it up and enjoy!

Friday 22 June 2018

Matariki fun day!

Room 3 

Yay!!! today it's Monday and that means... Matariki fun day! once we went into our first rotation we went into Mrs Dunkley's class we got to make salt dough Pounamu and we had to mould it into a shape and then we cooked it in the oven.

The hall
 then we moved into the hall and a Amazing surprise it was Jhon Paul Collage band was going to perform in front of us and they played Mambo number 5 and Happy,Up town funk and some others and this musical band  inspired me to play the clarinet.

Room 4
Mr James's class and we did weaving with a partner and we made a blue fish me and my partner took time with our fish because it was very hard then after we did a Kahoot Of course it was about Matariki It was really cool.

Room 12
In room 12 we did star constitutionals with using mini sticks and play dough and we could choose out of like 10 different ones and me and my partner chose leo and it was like a mouse and then we did and even harder one but then it was time to go to lunch.
Room 1
In room 1 we made Punamu shaped cookies and other classes made other things and  the cookie dough was ginger bread and I help Mrs Tod with setting up for all the food that all the other class did and at the end all of the classes came and we all had a Matariki  feast and it was de delisiouds over all I Injoyed my day and maybe next year you should do it to

Thursday 24 May 2018

My Maths Whizz Goal

 This week on maths whizz learning our goal was to reach 3 progressions every week and over 60 min for our time line. Here is a screen shot for what I've done↙
so this week I've done 74 min and 3 progressions! YAY! YAY! the class cheers!
But sometimes  on weeks I sometimes get distracted by some of my friends. and I don't get much work done.But now ms Nelson  put us on assigned seats and so we don't get distracted by friends and it has made me get more better at my maths\

Friday 11 May 2018

mothers day with eva

today  during lessons we had to make mothers day  cards for our mummy and this is the card I made for my mum I cut out lots of little hearts,flowers and I write the chines saying for mothers day.

Thursday 12 April 2018


Tōku Pepeha
Ko  lado de la barra lateral tōku maunga  
Ko  lago rotorua tōku awa
Ko dela Rocha tōku   iwi
Ko  de la Rocha tōku hapū
Ko Santa María Hato Mere tōku kura   
Ko padre Emon Hato Mere tōku pariha  
Ko Mr Macmillan tōku tumuaki
Ko Ms Nelson tōku kaiako  
Ko  Michelle tōku mama   
Ko  Atalo tōku papa

Ko Alexis  ahau
the definition of belonging is being with a group of friends or family like swimming groups, sports groups, family relatives groups and when you are apart of those groups you feel loved,Included and have the confident's to join in with all the groups. and up on your left you will see a poster and it is all about yourself and I made a Spanish Pepeha and glued it o our weaving and that is what i think of what belonging is.\

Friday 23 March 2018

mandarin lessons with Eva. 2018

we have one chines teacher called Eva and I think she is a really good chines teacher today we learned
all about the Zodiac calendar and I was born in 2007 so my Zodiac Animal is roster. what is yours? after we played a game called chines wispier  Eva said we had to lined up in different groups and the person in front goes up to Eva and  tells the person a zodiac animal in chines! and we had to pass it on and then the back person  came up to the front and try remember the animal and try's to pick the correct animal and then when everyone picks up there animal and Eva tells the correct  answer and then at the end of our lesson she gave us homework and we had to pick a card and colour it and take it home and practise the pronunciation  before she comes back on friday next week!

swimming sports

Swimming sports!

Swimming sports was on the 13th of march When i woke up on in a new cloud blowing Autumn  i will go over all the things I did during swimming sports and the first thing I did was… backstroke length and i go so many butterflies in my stomach and when mr bark blew the whistle to go  and i reached to the end of the pool… I won 3rd place! And it was my first ever place i scored in swimming sports! But then… as soon as I got out of the swimming pool I was FREEZING It felt like I was living Antarctica! I had to wait for a long long time just waiting in the cold and then next came the   width Backstroke and I said to myself OK let's do this I think this will be a good one for me. so I went to Mrs Keto in my house group just in case you didn't know it's Mackillop as In Blue. so I put on my goggles and  I was ready to go so when the whistle went I shoot it off but my foot slipped on the edge of the pool and I had a bad push-off well anyway I came well really I don't know what place I came so when I got out the pool again as usual it was freezing cold with the Wind then all of the other year groups went I was wrapped up in my wet cold towel. Eventually when it was my turn again we  went into freestyle and of course I decided to do it so as soon as a whistle went I shoot it off fast as I could pushing and pushing myself as hard as I could and... I placed second place in freestyle and I was so happy and excited I thought for a moment and said to myself I think Mum and Dad will be quite happy with me and proud of me so again then there was width freestyle and of course I did it and this time I got a good push-off because I was not backwards so I had a powerful push the  border and I'm not sure what place I came because those are actually raises but I still can't the middle school I think I can maybe 4th or 5th.And I was still quite happy with my score. and next there was my favourite stroke can you guess what it is? it’s... breaststroke and I was doing it for 50 metres long and i will also be going to do it width breaststroke so I was so excited I was lining up in my House Group Mackillop and we went first to the 50 metre swim and they jumped into the warm  pool and this soon as whistle blew I shooted off as fast as i could. and I see one of my best friend with me But she was in front me so I was trying to go as fast as I could and as you thought my friend came first but... I came second place and I gave my best friend Hi-Five and she said thanks you did an awesome job to ! and then there was breast stroke width and I when and me and my friend Charlie and I came 1 place tied! And after I had to stay until 5:00 because I had to have swimming lessons in the deep pool inside. And after I was so tired and impressed with my swimming. But I had a really great time!

Friday 2 March 2018

get to know each other better

On the 2nd day of school Our marvelous teacher Mrs Nelson gave as a board game  and it was called

Get to know each other. then our teacher sends us into mixed groups my group members wear… Ashton,Koleti,Shar,Nathaniel,Oscar and me. Then we sat on a table together with One small dice  and then we sit in order to oldest to youngest and I was the oldest  so I went first and  I rolled a 5 and I landed on what is your favourite food? And I said VEGGIES!! And everyone in my group gave me a EH what’s wrong with you how likes vegetables! And then at the end guess who won me! just kidding shar won and I was a happy to know more about some people in my class.

That was summer

Remember that time when you just arrived at the beach in your flip flops and the sand was boiling like it was cooking your feet?

Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summeremember that time when you asked your parents for a mouth watering Ice cream?

Remember when you just walked into the Ice cream shop and you saw the most scrunches looking flavours?
And you bought a giant scoop of pure passion ice cream and it was so pure and creamy and your parents bought a real fruit ice cream? That was summer.

Our class used a poem written by Marci Ridlon as our inspiration

Remember that time when you just arrived at the beach in your flip flops and the sand was boiling like it was cooking your feet?
Remember that time when you just arrived at the beach in your flip flops and the sand was boiling like it was cooking your feet?

Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer

Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer
Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer
Remember that time wRemember that time when you just arrived at the beach in your flip flops and the sand was boiling like it was cooking your feet?

Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer

Remember that time when you just arrived at the beach in your flip flops and the sand was boiling like it was cooking your feet?

Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer

hen you just arrived at the beach in your flip flops and the sand was boiling like it was cooking your feet?

Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer
Remember how you jumped into the nice cool blue water and you were so relieved? That was summer

what is ash Wednesday?

what is ash Wednesday?
on ash Wednesday we give up something that we like to do  or eat and we give it up for Jesus because Jesus was in the desert with out food or water for 46 days and 46 nights.