Thursday 12 April 2018


Tōku Pepeha
Ko  lado de la barra lateral tōku maunga  
Ko  lago rotorua tōku awa
Ko dela Rocha tōku   iwi
Ko  de la Rocha tōku hapū
Ko Santa María Hato Mere tōku kura   
Ko padre Emon Hato Mere tōku pariha  
Ko Mr Macmillan tōku tumuaki
Ko Ms Nelson tōku kaiako  
Ko  Michelle tōku mama   
Ko  Atalo tōku papa

Ko Alexis  ahau
the definition of belonging is being with a group of friends or family like swimming groups, sports groups, family relatives groups and when you are apart of those groups you feel loved,Included and have the confident's to join in with all the groups. and up on your left you will see a poster and it is all about yourself and I made a Spanish Pepeha and glued it o our weaving and that is what i think of what belonging is.\

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