Thursday 5 July 2018

wearble arts

Wearable Arts 

 our class have been doing wearable arts and make it out of recyclable things and we could choose a buddy or do it by your self and pick a category and I  chose a partner and we chose under the sea.


While we were building our wearable arts we used 2 black garbage bags paint glitter glue duct tape and scissors  colour spray we used paint to make  our fish and other things on our dress we also made a headband out of Styrofoam and glue and other things.

What is  Adaptation?

Adaptation is changing something to make it better than before
for Example the simple mug Isn't it annoying when the chocolate  gets stuck on the bottom so that's why someone invented the self stir mug witch makes no mess at the bottom.

How is my costume related to Adaptation?

My costume is related to Adaptation because it is  a garbage bag and in the sea there are lots of bags in the sea so you can stop using plastic and use it in a form of a dress.

why is adaptation important now and in the future?

because it can be a recycled piece of clothing in the future and it could stop pollution.

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