Friday 25 August 2017

planet jupiter

this is my  planet fact sheet the whole class did this the teacher writes the planets and a number beside it. I got Jupiter and then we started off and went on our site and  we witted down all the facts and then we made a planet out of paper these are the final paper work I did.

thanks !

goals for term 3!!

Writing: By the end of term 3 I will be able to use lots of different types of punctuation in my writing. To do this I will practise using different types of punctuation in my writing.   

Reading: By the end of term 3 I will be able to ask lots of questions about why the author wrote a story and about what is happening in the story.
Math: By the end of term 3 I will have learnt my 4 x time tables really well.

healthy lunch box

this is my healthy lunch box Sky (Name) was my buddy for this task.what we did were cut out healthy fruit out of an shopping magazine and glued it one and made an healthy lunch.
these are the final things our budget was 2$ and under we spent exactly 1$ 25 cents for all of these.

thank you